Thursday, May 22, 2008

I do it just for you

This is a poem I wrote over on myspace back in September 07. I was reading a book called "Organic Church". I actually rewrote it a little bit and added to it while I was reading "Seeing What is Sacred" in November of 07. I am going to try to convert at least one blog a week over from MySpace to here so that I have everything in one place. If you've read it, sorry, if not, hope you enjoy it.

Did you see me winking at you this morning,
before I sent the sun over the horizon?
Did you know it was me,
or did you just see stars covered in clouds?
Did you see the depth of my sky this morning,
the beautiful pinks, oranges, reds and blues,
the white puffs of clouds rolling gently through?
Did you feel the soft breeze blowing across you skin,
and know that it was my caress?
Did you hear me talking to you,
through whispers of birds and katydids and the rest of my creation?
Did you see the trees swaying gently in the wind,
or the leaves falling so silently to the ground?
Could you smell me drawing near to you,
in the clean, cool, refreshing air?
Did you take time to notice me this morning,
in all the glory I created?
I know you think I'm all around you, even now as I speak,
but do you really see me and know that I am here?
I love you Robert, but Have you ever thought
that everything I do, I do it just for you?
Well it's true, I love you that much,
but not just you, your neighbor too.
Please help them see how much,
help spread the Word, spread my love.
Help them see me in everything around them
and everything within them.
I do love you and I did do all of this for you,
but I love them too, it's your job to let it shine through.

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