Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Dazed & Confused....

Right now, about a lot of things. You know, I was once told to put down the books, just put them down. This was in reference to my brain overflowing with thoughts so fast that I couldn't sort them all out and file them away properly. Of course, I feel like I really need to ponder those thoughts so I can see if I feel like I even need to store them, you know what I mean?

I mean, if it's not something I believe or buy into, why file it away in memory right? So... I'm putting down the books for some good ol' fashion reflection. It's hard to do, I've got some great books started right now. Exiles by Michael Frost, The Practice of Praise by Oswald Chambers, Ministerial Ethics by Joe Trull and James Carter, and at least one other one I cannot remember the name of right now.

I'm going to stop reading all of them long enough to sort through some things, then I'll continue with Exiles until I'm finished. I think what happens to me is that I get in the middle of a few books, (that's normal, see the last section of this page to read more about that), and I kind of wade through all of it at one time, but every once in a while I grab a book (Exiles) that really spins me for a loop in my thought process and I really want to absorb ALL of it. I don't do that often either. I like to absorb nuggets from books and then put them into play quickly, but this book I really want to digest, so... I'll take a few days to clear my head, then dig back into it.

Which is it for you?


Jenn said...

I can only read one book at a time. And I go through seasons of reading a lot of non-fiction and then a bunch of fiction. Lately, I have had no time for either which makes me sad. But summer is coming! Good time to read something good - do you recommend Exile then?

Good to have you blogging here again! Got ya in my reader now!

Kris said...

I love your blogs. You're so deep Robert! I wish I was as intelligent as you are. As for all the books, put em down!!!!

I think we can overwhelm ourselves with books about this, books about that. Sometimes we just need to soak ourselves in the Word. The greatest book ever written - nothing else compares - nothing. The rest is all opinion - the Word is life!!!

Robert Prince said...

Hey Jenn, Thanks, it's good to be back, I do recommend exile, somewhat reservedly of course, because some people are definitely not in a position for it to really mean anything to them, but that would probably not apply to most of the people at Mars Hill.

As for you my dear Kris, I'm not sure what was deep about that, but thank you, and for those of you wondering, NO, she was not being smart. Thanks for the comments!