Friday, November 21, 2008

Mourning a Friend!

This is Bo Teske! He was in his early 30's and passed away early yesterday morning from kidney failure due to drinking. His mother died the same way about 12 years ago. He knew what he was doing, whether he realized it at the time or not is a different story.

He was a great person, and would do anything for you! I have only known him about 10 years, and we didn't really even get together very often. He and Rebecca have been friends for a long time. That's how I know him, through her. Bo is no longer with us! We had a chance to get together with him a few weeks ago, and because of me working at night and Becca being so busy with school we didn't it. It was a regretful mistake.

I don't know whether Bo knew Christ or not before he died, I do know that he had spiritual thoughts and he and Rebecca had a few talks, but he was withholding his feelings. That is in God's hands, he draws people unto himself! I hope and pray, that Bo's heart was open and received Christ's payment for our sins, I hope to see him again someday.

Bo was a great guy, and a dear friend to many and will be missed like crazy.

For those friends of mine that are lonely, hurting, and covering up your feelings with drinking, or drugging, or other things..... I want to be here for you. I can't promise you I have any answers, and I can't promise you that I can help, but I will promise you that I will be real with you about my struggles and I'll be an ear you can talk to, without judgement or condemnation. I won't preach at you, I can't promise that I won't speak of Christ and what he has done for me.

Please don't drink your life away, please don't give up.... you are loved more than you know, all of you. My number is 405-923-1418 if you need to talk, anytime, day or night.

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